Coin Create
Powered By Elawings

Create Contracts Easily. Blockchain For Everyone

No Code Required

Unlock the Blockchain's Full Potential.

Create Token Easily

Join The Web3 Era With Ease

Welcome to Coincreate, where your journey into the innovative world of blockchain begins. Whether you're a visionary entrepreneur, a creative spirit, or a tech enthusiast eager to make your mark, Coincreate is your gateway to effortlessly launching ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 tokens across multiple blockchains.

Contracts Supercharged With OpenZeppelin

A cutting-edge advancement in the realm of blockchain development, offering a comprehensive suite of secure, reliable, and modular smart contracts. OpenZeppelin, a leader in blockchain security, provides developers with an extensive library of audited smart contracts designed to facilitate the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) and tokens. These contracts are built with an emphasis on security, scalability, and efficiency, enabling developers to focus on building innovative and complex functionalities without worrying about the underlying security aspects

Create Token Easily
Create Token Easily
Create Token Easily

Craft and Own RWAs

Break down barriers to ownership. Our platform empowers you to create and manage your own Real-World Assets (RWAs), from artwork and collectibles to fractionalized ownership of real estate. Turn your ideas into tangible investments with ease, opening up new opportunities for wealth creation and portfolio diversification.

Tokenize Your Vision

Token ERC20

Create Token


Transaction Tax

Max Supply

Burn Mechanism

Team Vesting Distributions

Forwarder (Meta-Transactions)

Token ERC20

Create NFTs


Create Collections

NFT Mints Manager

RWA Assets

Token ERC20

Create ERC404 Token


Create Collections

Fractional NFTs

RWA Assets

Supported Blockchains

Elastos ESC Elastos Smart Chain Bel2
binance BNB
polygon matic
Arthera Chain

Who We Are?

Create Token Easily

Unleash your inner crypto genius with CoinCreate! Built by the Elawings team, our platform empowers anyone to launch their own cryptocurrency without complex coding. It's intuitive, secure, and guides you every step, making token creation accessible. Join our vibrant community and be part of a collaborative world of digital finance. Let's build a more inclusive and innovative digital economy together!

2024 Coincreate | All rights reserved